Friday, May 28, 2010

How To Paddle

You are almost in the water but then think “I don’t even know how to paddle.” If you have never paddled a surfboard before then it will be hard to balance your body on your board especially since your floating on moving water and sometimes being knocked around by waves. Most surfers make paddling and surfing look effortless, but it is really not. When you are lying on your board, you want to about in the middle so that your nose isn’t up in the air and your tail isn’t submerged in the water. Most people while learning positions themselves towards the back of the board which makes your nose rise out of the water and creates a lot of resistance that will slow your down.

When you start to paddle you want to have the same rhythm as if you were swimming though you want to keep your head up. You also don’t want to take as long as strides as you do in swimming. Also remember to take your time its not a race to get out to the lineup and since your not used to paddling everyday you will tire easily. If you are paddling in ruff water or chop then you can left up your chest and this will keep your nose from going under the water and spraying your face with an uncomfortable salty mist.

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