Sunday, May 23, 2010

Golden Rules of Surfing

Surfing is just like every other competitive sport; you have to wait your turn and respect the people around you. But before you rush out to the surf break you might want to know some basic rules to surfing. The number one rule is to not drop in on another surfer especially if you can tell that they are better than you. Dropping in on someone is when they are already on the wave and you catch it on the shoulder of the wave, or when you are both paddling for the wave but he is in a deeper position than you. Though if you can tell the wave is going to close out on a person and they can’t make the section, then you can take the wave. By not following this golden rule you will ruin people’s surf session and ultimately look like a kook.
( Guy in grey getting cut off by kook)
While learning to surf you should also try to stay out of the way of other surfers. You should do this mostly because you don’t want to take a surfboard to the head. Then when you in their position you should be aware of who is around you so that you don’t hit any one. By following these two rules you will make the line up a more safe and friendly environment.

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