Friday, May 28, 2010

Catching Your First Wave

You have finally made it out to the line up and realized that you know nothing about catching a wave. You don’t want to look like a fool, especially if there’s potential dates out there. Once out at the line up you have to watch the waves. Watch where the waves break and how they form. Then paddle over and try to be about 10 to 15 feet out from where the waves break. Now all you have to do is wait for a wave with nobody on it and paddle.

When you see a wave that you want to catch you have to make up your mind and decide if you’re going to go right or left. You don’t want the wave to close out on you so go the way that has an open face. When you’re paddling for the wave you either want to be paddling straight in or at an angle. While paddling for the wave you should be looking back at it so you can see what the wave is doing. Then when you feel the wave starting to pick you up and push you face forward and paddle hard. You will then notice the wave pushing you and you can then stop paddling. Grab onto the rails of your board and do a push up to get onto your knees. On your first wave it might be good to just stay on your knees and get the feel of your board on the wave, just lean to the left and the right so you can practice turning. After you got the feel of your board on the wave you are ready to stand up and start surfing.

When you paddle for the wave you want to first get onto your knees then put your front foot forward and stand up and watch the face of the wave in front of you. Try to avoid from looking at your feet because then you will get all wobbly and most likely fall. It might be helpful to know that it is easier to keep you balance when your going fast on the face of the wave. It’s ok to fall while you’re learning; just make sure you don’t fall onto someone else. As you get better and catch bigger waves it will get easier to stand up and to do turn’s.
How To Surf A Wave In One Day

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